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KateKintail: the BookCrosser
I first learned about BookCrossing from an NPR Story on May 18, 2002. I thought it sounded quite interesting and a few months later, I decided to sign up to try it out. I released a few books- my second book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, was caught in Virginia and taken to France. Despite such a great start, I only released 3 books in 2002, did one controlled release in 2003, and did nothing in 2004. My problem was that I liked all the books I had and didn't have extra money to buy ones just to BookCross with.
But then I moved and got a new job. BookCrossing had been stuck in my head a while and I decided to give it another try. I stumbled across the forum section of the site and found the Never Judge a Book by its Cover challenge. Of the handful of books I had registered, I actually had one that fit the cover for week 1 in 2006. So I gave it a try and realized now I had a great excuse for rediscovering BookCrossing. I even went hunting and caught a wild book.
Since then, I've participated in many others; I've even hosted a few. I do RABCKs, giveaways, rings, rays, ray-it-forwards, bookboxes, trades, birthday buddy exchanges, Christmas ornament exchanges, Holiday Gift-giving, and so much more. In 2007, I became active in my local BookCrossing meetup group, BC in DC. There, I've made some great book-loving friends and helped move tens of thousands of books out to new homes through our various exchanges and projects.
In 2011, I helped organize the 10th Anniversary BookCrossing Convention in Washington, D.C. It was a lot of hard work but also a lot of fun to invite our friends from all over the world to join us in BookCrossing fun.